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Reactive Context

When the React context does not work for us we have a tendency to replace it with global state management. Doing so definitely solves friction, but we also leave something behind. With Impact we rather make the React contexts compatible with the performant and accessible reactive primitives we use for global state management.

Impact implements a reactive context. We express this context as a function. It is the same mental model as a hook. You return a public interface for components and other reactive contexts. The difference is that we are not reconciling. This function only runs once.

function AppStore() {
  return {
    message: "Hello World",

Impact supports any reactive primitive. The reactive context is just a mechanism to bridge the world of reconciliation and your reactive primitives of choice. To get going quickly Impact provides packages for the most popular solutions.

import { createReactiveContext, signal } from "@impact-react/signals";

function AppStore() {
  const [count, setCount] = signal(0);

  return {
    increase() {
      setCount((current) => current + 1);

export const useAppStore = createReactiveContext(AppStore);
import { createReactiveContext } from "@impact-react/mobx";
import { makeAutoObservable } from "mobx";

class AppStore {
  count = 0;
  increase() {

export const useAppStore = createReactiveContext(() =>
  makeAutoObservable(new AppStore()),
import { createReactiveContext } from "@impact-react/mobx";
import { observable, action } from "mobx";

function AppStore() {
  const state = observable({
    count: 0,

  return {
    get count() {
      return state.count;
    increase: action(() {

export const useAppStore = createReactiveContext(AppStore);
import { createReactiveContext } from "@impact-react/preact";
import { signal } from "@preact/signals-react";

function AppStore() {
  const count = signal(0);

  return {
    get count() {
      return count.value;
    increase() {

export const useAppStore = createReactiveContext(AppStore);
import { createReactiveContext } from "@impact-react/legend";
import { observable } from "@legendapp/state";

function AppStore() {
  const count$ = observable(0);

  return {
    get count() {
      return count$.get();
    increase() {
      count$.set((current) => current + 1);

export const useAppStore = createReactiveContext(AppStore);

The hook returned from createReactiveContext has a .Provider property to provide the context.

import { useAppStore } from "./stores/AppStore";

function Counter() {
  const appStore = useAppStore();

  return <div />;

function App() {
  return (
      <Counter />


The only implementation in these packages is to configure the props with the related reactive primitive. This is an example from Impact Signals:

import { configureReactiveContext } from "@impact-react/reactive-context";
import { signal } from "./signal";

export const createReactiveContext = configureReactiveContext((propValue) => {
  const [value, setValue] = signal(propValue);

  return {
    get() {
      return value();
    set(newPropValue) {

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